Resources on 1 Timothy

This letter records the Apostle Paul’s advice to his spiritual son Timothy, whom he encourages to oppose false teachers and to hold on to the faith. He gives him instructions on public worship, and emphasizes that there is only one mediator between God and men, the man, Christ Jesus. Even though he was a younger man and seemed to have a diffident personality, Paul expected him to pass on his instructions regarding the qualifications for elders and deacons, so that people would know how to behave in the church. Paul also encouraged him to develop godliness. Godliness is not just a mood that comes over us from time to time, nor a particularly emotional experience. Rather, it is a deep and deliberate set of the heart that turns constantly to God and pays him the due reverence and consideration in all circumstances.

Overview the Book

These single-part resources will guide you through the whole book focussing on structure, pattern and thought-flow.


Explore Sections/Themes

These single or multi-part resources will guide you through specific parts or themes of the book.