Resources on Ephesians

Ephesians talks to us of this vast, magnificent scheme of God, that he has put in progress through Jesus Christ our Lord, and of the magnitude of the blessings we have received in Christ. Before God founded this universe, he had a purpose in mind that we as his creatures should become sons and daughters of the living God. To all who receive Jesus Christ, God gives them the right to become his children. In Christ, the seemingly unbridgeable gap between Jew and Gentile disappears as both, on equal terms, come to be part of the Body of Christ and share in Christ’s eternal glory. 

Overview the Book

These single-part resources will guide you through the whole book focussing on structure, pattern and thought-flow.


Study the Whole Book

These multi-part resources will guide you through the whole book in varying levels of detail.


Explore Sections/Themes

These single or multi-part resources will guide you through specific parts or themes of the book.